Articles, thoughts about Mac OS X, Chameleon, Apple, PC and Development.
Note: Chameleon 2 has not been finally released, and this document is not part of the official Chameleon Documentation. Information is still incomplete, subject to change and written for current RC4. To comment and help improving this guide, please use only.
Mac users interested in Chameleon wizard 4.2.2 generally download: Chameleon Wizard 4.4 Free Chameleon Wizard helps to install, update and download latests revs of this bootloader.
This guide explains how to create CD's and USB drives booting Chameleon 2 with different operating systems. Basic understanding about how Chameleon works is expected. Before creating the boot media, collect the configuration files, kext's and other customizations you will need and organize these files as Chameleon expects them.
In short, you should have one Chameleon root folder containing the stage2 bootloader file and the Extra/. Folder with all the other stuff inside. Download Chameleon 2 from. Also, check out the utilities to create BootCDs made by Chameleon Users (under ).
Bootable CD The Chameleon Boot CD allows you to install Mac OS X from a retail DVD (not as in 'automagic', but as a tool). After Chameleon is booted, eject the CD, insert the retail OS X DVD and press F5 to rescan the optical drive.
Make sure to have Chameleon's 'cdboot' stage2 in Chameleon's root folder (instead of 'boot' which is used for HD-installation), and set the 'Rescan' and 'Instant Menu' keys to 'yes' in The CD can also boot operating systems on the hard drive, an essential asset if you somehow screwed up your installation.
Note: Unsure if this is right. Could someone with mac os x varify/fix this? Also it's overkill to create a hybrid iso, since you wan't use it in a 'real' mac. Make the Chameleon root folder on your Dekstop: # mkdir -p /Desktop/newiso/Extra 2.
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Copy stage2 cdboot into /newiso folder, and add the other configuration files into /newiso/Extra 3. Open a Terminal and create the preboot image (also mounts it to your Desktop): # hdiutil create -size 15m -fs HFS+ -volname Preboot -layout MBRSPUD -attach /Desktop/newiso/Extra/Preboot.dmg && mkdir -p /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions 4. Add the kexts to /Extra/Extensions within the Preboot image 5. Unmount the Preboot Volume 6.
Create a bootable iso: # hdiutil makehybrid -o /Desktop/Chameleon.iso /Desktop/newiso/ -iso -hfs -eltorito-boot /Desktop/newiso/cdboot -no-emul-boot -hfs-volume-name 'BootCD' 3. Burn Chameleon.iso. Note: Editing.plist files under Linux has its caveats. See for more information. Get the open-source burning tool 2. Select Data CD and add the Chameleon files (cdboot & Extra folder) 3. Go to File - Project Properties - Boot 4.
Add Chameleon's 'cdboot' stage2 and set Emulation Type to 'None' 5. Burn the CD Linux 1. Use mkisofs to create a bootable iso. Run the following command from the level containing Chameleon's root folder (newiso): # mkisofs -R -b cdboot -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o chameleon.iso newiso 2. Burn chameleon.iso Bootable USB Drives. Note: Missing paragraphs: install Chameleon to USB with Windows/Mac.
Windows should be the same as Linux if you can get working dd binaries. Chameleon USB keys can not boot the retail OS X DVD, but they come in handy as rescue tool to boot into a borked installation. Similarly, if you want to play safe, use them to test new kexts and other customizations for compatibility before applying them to your main chameleon installation.
For USB drives, the stage2 loaders for HD's must be used ('boot' instead of 'cdboot') in the Chameleon root directory. Warning: dd and mkfs do not go well with typos.
Only use them when you know what will happen, and double-check your commands. Do not use dd when intoxicated. For simplicity, this example uses a single Fat32 formatted partition and MBR. If you experience problems, try with HFS+ partition and/or GPT layout (remember to use boot1h stage1 loader for HFS+ partitions). A great tool for creating GPT partition tables under linux is. Partition your media, and make sure it is not mounted 1.
Format the Usb stick to F32: # mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdx1 2. Install Chameleon's stage0 boot loader to the usb device: # dd if=Chameleon/i386/boot0 of=/dev/sdx bs=440 count=1 3. Install Chameleon's stage1 f32 boot loader to the usb partition: # dd if=/Chameleon/i386/boot1f32 of=/dev/sdx1 4. Mount the partition: # sudo mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/usb 5. Copy the contents of Chameleon's root folder: # cp -r Chameleon/newimg/. /mnt/usb/ 6. Unmount the Usb stick: # sudo umount /dev/sdx1.
Miscellaneous Edit.plist files with Windows UNIX and Mac OS X use the line feed (LF) character to mark the end of a line of text, Windows uses the carriage return (CR) character. Because.plist files must have linefeed characters at the end of every line to be readable by Mac OS X, editing these files with Windows tools can result in headaches.
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Use Wordpad instead of Notepad, and to be extra sure convert them with after editing. Sample
If all goes well, add the kext to the main Chameleon install on the HD and move to the next one. That way, you should minimize major panic attacks. Always keep a spare, working ChameleonBoot media (and if this happens to be a CD, LABEL IT). References Official Chameleon Documentation. User contributed Content.
Your party comprises of four slaves, and your immediate goal is to escape to one of the villages founded by escaped slaves. These evil wizards caused the sun to turn into a raging crimson fireball, which transformed the once-fertile lands into endless deserts. These kings call themselves gods, rule through a religious organization known as the templars, and enslave many citizens. The creatures of Athas were twisted by the free use of magic, and now the only stable concentrations of humanity are in tightly-controlled city-states.
by Distemperus. by r0m30., Chameleon management and boot cd creation app by sonotone.
Thelonious Monk. by Trauma.
This project will be maintained with full source available shortly. We have asked the Chameleon team to add Chimera as an official branch. In the meantime, we've set up a dedicated area in the for bug reporting and feature requests. We've added Chimera to iBoot and MultiBeast as our default recommended bootloader. It contains all of the current features that were previously available in iBoot and MultiBeast along with these new capabilities. The updated versions are now available for download. This wouldn't have been possible without the, and especially Kabyl and valv for their hard work and effort. Stay tuned for updates!
Chameleon is an open-source EFIbootloader project for BIOS-based x86 systems. It is designed to replace Darwin and PC_EFI bootloaders with new features, such as GRUB and Windows Bootloader compatibility. Chameleon is often used as the bootloader for computers running OSX86. (Computers running OSx86 are often called 'Hackintoshes'.)
Chameleon is combination of various boot loader components. It is based on David Elliott's fake EFI implementation added to Apple's boot-132 project.
Chameleon currently uses a text based interface like most bootloaders. The next version of Chameleon, 2.0, is going to have a GUI with support for true 24-bit PNG image files, with transparency support. Currently, a release candidate of the version 2.0 is available for download by anyone on the official website.